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Result Summary

Number of genes 72
Genes Baldspot (GH11554) CG11015 CG11398 CG11753 CG12091 CG12164 CG1273 CG12880 CG1702 CG2157 CG30194 CG3077 CG31100 CG31181 CG31343 (GH24371) CG31751 CG31810 CG32354 CG32626 (GH10492) CG32626 (RE05438) CG3287 CG33248 CG3799 CG42611 (mgl) CG4511 (GM03430) CG4692 CG5762 CG5973 CG6014 (GH11973) CG6305 CG6330 CG6409 CG6879 CG6986 CG7033 CG7069 CG7549 CG8443 (LD19312) CG9194 CG9747 CR33987 CR42839 CR43872 Cctgamma Cpr Dl HLHm3 Mcr Mekk1 Mipp1 (RE51662) Oatp30B Osi17 Pdp1 Pif1A (GH12504) Plkk1 (GH09291) RpS3 (GH06471) S2P SdhB Sip1 Traf1 Tsp42Ee Tsp74F Wnt4 a ap (SD05618) cad fkh msk (LD30157) nahoda (GH04942) nesprin otp vri