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Result Summary

Number of genes 14

Probe LD11258 Links: Permalink

Genes: Ance


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
   Zygotic starting stage 5
   Zygotic starting stage 4
   Yolk nuclei
    Subset yolk nuclei
     Random yolk nuclei
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Dorsal blastoderm nuclei
  Medium expression (21-40ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Yolk cortex localization
     Yolk cortex enrichment
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Intranuclear accumulation
      Accumulation nuclear subregion
    Basal localization
     Basal enrichment
    Apical localization
     Apical enrichment
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Dorsal blastoderm nuclei
  Medium expression (21-40ms exp)
   Yolk cortex localization
    Yolk cortex enrichment
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Intranuclear accumulation
      Accumulation nuclear subregion
    Basal localization
     Basal enrichment
    Apical localization
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in mesoderm
     Expression in amnioserosa
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Membrane associated
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Segmented pattern
    Midgut subset
    Midgut gradient
    Ventral nerve cord
     Polarized VNC
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear around CNS nuclei
    Membrane associated


Area Images Terms
fat body 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Fat body
  Subcellular Localization - Fat body
   Cytoplasmic foci-fat body
  Expressed in fat body
intestine 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
  Expressed in midgut
   Subcellular localization in midgut
    Midgut - foci
   Midgut allover
  Expressed in malpighian tubules
   Subcellular localization in malpighian tubules
    Malpighian tubules - foci
     Malpighian tubules few foci
   Malpighian tubules allover
  Expressed in hindgut
   Subcellular localization in hindgut
    Hindgut membranes
    Hindgut foci
    Hindgut basal enrichment
   Particular hindgut area
  Expressed in gastric caeca
   Gastric caeca allover
imaginal discs 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Imaginal discs
  Expressed in wing disc
   Wing disc few cells - dots
  Expressed in eye disc
   Eye disc few cells - dots
   Expressed in antennal disc
    Antennal disc few cells - dots
nervous system 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Nervous system
  Expressed in ventral nerve cord
   Ventral nerve cord - foci or 'dots'
  Expressed in brain lobes
   Brain lobes - Foci or dots
salivary gland 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Salivary gland
  Subcellular localization in salivary gland
   Salivary gland - Cytoplasmic foci
  Expressed in salivary glands
   Salivary glands allover
  Borderline between 'not expressed' and 'low expression'
muscles 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Larval Muscles - larva
  Expressed in larval muscles-Larva
   Sub-cellular localization in muscles-Larva
    Larval Muscles - Cytoplasmic foci
tracheal system


Area Images Terms


The transcript is enriched at the basal part of the nuclei (dorsal developing epithelial cells... pre-amnioserosa). It is also enriched at the yolk cortex. Very interesting.
Very nice patterns.
Very nice patterns.
Amnioserosa cells. It looks like a membrane. Also the anterior and posterior midgut cells.
Good probe on gel.

Probe LD27659 Links: Permalink

Genes: CG11642


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Yolk plasm localization
     Yolk plasm enrichment
    Exclusionary patterns
     Pole cell exclusion
     Apical exclusion
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Salivary glands
   Fat body
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear around amnioserosa nuclei
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in amnioserosa


Area Images Terms
fat body 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Fat body
  Subcellular Localization - Fat body
   Cytoplasmic foci-fat body
  Expressed in fat body
   Fat body allover - Ubiquitous
intestine 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
  Expressed in midgut
   Midgut allover
  Expressed in malpighian tubules
   Subcellular localization in malpighian tubules
    Malpighian tubules - foci
   Malpighian tubules allover
imaginal discs 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Imaginal discs
  Not expressed in imaginal discs
nervous system 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Nervous system
  Expressed in ventral nerve cord
   Ventral nerve cord - foci or 'dots'
   Ventral nerve cord - allover
  Expressed in brain lobes
   Brain lobes allover
   Brain lobes - Foci or dots
salivary gland 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Salivary gland
  Not expressed in salivary glands
  Borderline between 'not expressed' and 'low expression'
lymph glands and ring glands 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Lymph Glands and Ring Glands
  Ring gland
   Expressed in ring gland
    Ring gland allover
  Lymph Glands
   Subcellular localization in lymph glands
    Lymph Glands - Cytoplasmic foci
   Expressed in lymph glands


Area Images Terms


Good probe.

Probe RE18076 Links: Permalink

Genes: CG12011


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Zygotic starting stage 8
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in amnioserosa
  Strong expression (1-20ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear around amnioserosa nuclei
    Other subcellular pattern
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Nuclear in amnioserosa
     Accumulation nuclear subregion


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Nice amnioserosa pattern.
Good probe on gel.
Two images show the same embryo with different exposure.
Nice amnioserosa patterns.

Probe RE35348 Links: Permalink

Genes: CG15094


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Exclusionary patterns
     Pole cell exclusion
     Apical exclusion
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Perinuclear localization
      Perinuclear subset of nuclei
       Perinuclear around pole cell nuclei
   Pole cell localization
    Pole cell enrichment
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Membrane associated


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Good probe on gel.
Interesting amnioserosa pattern.

Probe RE29544 Links: Permalink

Genes: CG18088


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
  Degraded partially stage 4
  Degraded completely stage 5
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in API
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Basal localization
     Basal enrichment
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in API
     Expression in amnioserosa
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear around amnioserosa nuclei
    Cell junction associated


Area Images Terms
intestine 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
  Expressed in midgut
   Nascent transcript in midgut
   Midgut allover
  Expressed in malpighian tubules
   Subcellular localization in malpighian tubules
    Malpighian tubules - foci
   Malpighian tubules allover
  Expressed in hindgut
   Subcellular localization in hindgut
    Hindgut foci
    Hindgut basal enrichment
   Hindgut allover
nervous system 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Nervous system
  Expressed in brain lobes
   Brain lobes allover
   Brain lobes - Significant area
salivary gland 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Salivary gland
  Subcellular localization in salivary gland
   Salivary gland - membrane
  Expressed in salivary glands
muscles 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Larval Muscles - larva
  Expressed in larval muscles-Larva
   Sub-cellular localization in muscles-Larva
    Localized to larval muscle band
    Larval Muscles - Cytoplasmic foci
   Muscles allover - Larva
lymph glands and ring glands 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Lymph Glands and Ring Glands
  Ring gland
   Not expressed in ring gland


Area Images Terms


Good probe on gel
Interesting RNA localization patterns

Probe GH12891 Links: Permalink

Genes: mgl


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
    Cell division apparatus
     Other cell division pattern
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Exclusionary patterns
     Pole cell exclusion
     Apical exclusion
    Cytoplasmic foci
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
    Basal localization
     Basal enrichment
   Embryonic localization patterns
  Degraded partially stage 6
  Degradation maternal transcripts
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Zygotic starting stage 8
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Random blastoderm nuclei
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Yolk nuclei
    Yolk nuclei 'podia'
    Perinuclear around yolk nuclei
   Tracheal system
    Tracheal pits
    Polarized tracheal localization
   Posterior spiracles
    Specific posterior spiracle pattern
    Polarized Ectoderm
    Ventral nerve cord
     Polarized VNC
    Polarized CNS
   Blastoderm nuclei
   Anal pad
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear polarized
     Perinuclear around CNS nuclei
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in tracheal cells
      Small Foci in hindgut
      Small Foci in ectoderm
     Bigger Foci
    Cell junction associated
    Cell extensions or 'podia'
    Basal enrichment
     Basal in hindgut
    Apical enrichment
     Apical ectoderm


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Salivary glands, probably non-specific.
Good probe on gel. Great RNA localization patterns.

Probe LD13649 Links: Permalink

Genes: CG7997


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear around amnioserosa nuclei
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in amnioserosa
    Cell junction associated


Area Images Terms
fat body 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Fat body
  Subcellular Localization - Fat body
   Cytoplasmic foci-fat body
  Expressed in fat body
   Fat body allover - Ubiquitous
intestine 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
  Expressed in midgut
   Subcellular localization in midgut
    Midgut - foci
  Expressed in gastric caeca
   Subcellular localization in gastric caeca
    Gastric caeca foci
   Gastric caeca allover
imaginal discs 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Imaginal discs
  Expressed in leg discs
   Leg discs few cells - dots
   Leg discs allover
   Leg discs - outside
nervous system 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Nervous system
  Expressed in ventral nerve cord
   Ventral nerve cord - particular area
   Ventral nerve cord - foci or 'dots'
   Localized to axons
salivary gland 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Salivary gland
  Expressed in salivary glands
   Salivary glands allover
ovary and testis Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Larval Ovary and Testis-Larva
  Testis allover - Larva
  Specific testis expression localization
   Larval testis foci
    Testis foci outside-Larva
muscles 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Larval Muscles - larva
  Expressed in larval muscles-Larva
   Sub-cellular localization in muscles-Larva
    Larval Muscles - Cytoplasmic foci
   Muscles allover - Larva
lymph glands and ring glands 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Lymph Glands and Ring Glands
  Ring gland
   Ring gland - Subcellular localization
    Ring gland - Cytoplasmic foci
     Ring gland - Few and small foci
   Expressed in ring gland
    Ring gland allover
  Lymph Glands
   Subcellular localization in lymph glands
    Lymph Glands - Cytoplasmic foci
   Expressed in lymph glands
    Lymph glands all over


Area Images Terms


Amnioserosa specific in embryo
It is hard to distinguish if the axons in the larval ventral nerve cord are 'axons' or 'tracheal extensions'

Probe GH06439 Links: Permalink

Genes: Cp1


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Medium expression (21-40ms exp)
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
  Degraded partially stage 5
  Degraded partially stage 4
  Degradation maternal transcripts
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Basal localization
     Basal enrichment
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Yolk nuclei
    Yolk nuclei 'podia'
    Perinuclear around yolk nuclei
   Tracheal system
    Tracheal lumen
   Salivary glands
    Salivary glands lumen
   Ring gland
    Proventriculus layer
    Hemocytes specific area
   Germ cell nuclei
    Ventral nerve cord
     Perinuclear VNC
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear polarized
     Perinuclear around hemocytes
     Perinuclear around CNS nuclei
     Perinuclear 'rings'
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in amnioserosa
    Cell junction associated
    Cell extensions or 'podia'


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Good probe on gel.

Probe RE46351 Links: Permalink

Genes: Gp150


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
   Zygotic starting stage 4
   Yolk nuclei
    Subset yolk nuclei
     Random yolk nuclei
   Blastoderm nuclei
    All blastoderm nuclei
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Yolk Nuclei
    Subset yolk nuclei
     Random yolk nuclei
   Blastoderm nuclei
    All blastoderm nuclei
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Perinuclear localization
      Perinuclear subset of nuclei
       Perinuclear around yolk nuclei
    Apical localization
     Apical enrichment
      Apical clusters
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in ectoderm
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Apical localization
     Apical enrichment
      Diffuse apical localization
      Apical Localization Neuroblasts
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Tracheal system
    Tracheal pits
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear around tracheal nuclei
     Perinuclear around ectoderm nuclei
    Other subcellular pattern
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in tracheal cells
      Small Foci in amnioserosa
    Cell junction associated


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


The RNA also seems to accumulate apically in neuroblasts, with potential transition to basal.
Zygotic expression within cells that form furrows. Interesting localization of RNA in amnioserosa.
Zygotically expressed RNA forms clusters in apical cytoplasm.

Probe RH21402 Links: Permalink

Genes: Hsc70-3


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
   Pole cell nuclei
    Subset pole cell nuclei
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Yolk plasm localization
     Yolk plasm enrichment
    Pole cell localization
     Pole cell enrichment
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Perinuclear localization
      Perinuclear subset of nuclei
       Perinuclear around pole cell nuclei
    Exclusionary patterns
     Apical exclusion
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Pole cell localization
    Pole cell enrichment
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Other subcellular pattern
   Germ cell localization
    Germ cell enrichment
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Salivary glands
    Salivary glands lumen
   Ring gland
   Posterior spiracles
    Hemocytes specific area
   Fat body
    Polarized Ectoderm
   Dorsal vessel
    Dorsal vessel specific pattern
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear polarized
     Perinuclear around hemocytes
     Perinuclear around ectoderm nuclei
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in hemocytes


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Good probe on gel. Data from RE17418 probe
Salivary glands, probably non-specific.

Probe LD24387 Links: Permalink

Genes: LanA


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Zygotic starting stage 8
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in mesoderm
     Expression in amnioserosa
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Salivary glands
    Salivary glands lumen
    Midgut subset
    Hemocytes specific area
   Fat body
    Fat body- specific region
     Fat body polarized
    Polarized Ectoderm
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear around hemocytes
     Perinuclear around fat body nuclei
     Perinuclear 'rings'
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Nuclear in hemocytes
     Nuclear in ectoderm
     Accumulation nuclear subregion
     Accumulation entire nucleus
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in amnioserosa
    Cell junction associated


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Anterior and posterior midgut.
Good probe on gel. All over low, with some small foci... low but clear.

Probe RE17794 Links: Permalink

Genes: beat-IIa


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Tracheal system
    Specific tracheal branches
    Polarized tracheal localization
   Sensory system
   Salivary glands
    Salivary glands lumen
    Visceral mesoderm
     Specific visceral mesoderm pattern
   Dorsal vessel
    Dorsal vessel specific pattern
    Ventral nerve cord
     Polarized VNC
     Foci - VNC
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear around amnioserosa nuclei
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in tracheal cells
      Small Foci in PNS
      Small Foci in dorsal vessel
      Small Foci in CNS
      Small Foci in amnioserosa
    Cell junction associated
    Cell extensions or 'podia'


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Good probe on gel.
Salivary glands, probably non-specific.

Probe GH12078 Links: Permalink

Genes: bnb


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cell division apparatus
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
   Zygotic starting stage 4
   Yolk nuclei
    Subset yolk nuclei
     Random yolk nuclei
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Segmented pattern
      Segment polarity pattern
      Gap-gene pattern
  Medium expression (21-40ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Other subcellular pattern
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Perinuclear localization
      Perinuclear subset of nuclei
       Perinuclear around blastoderm nuclei
     Intranuclear accumulation
      Accumulation nuclear subregion
    Exclusionary patterns
     Pole cell exclusion
    Cell division apparatus
    Apical localization
     Apical enrichment
      Diffuse apical localization
      Apical clusters
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Pole cell nuclei
    Subset pole cell nuclei
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Segmented pattern
      Gap-gene pattern
     Expression in ectoderm
  Medium expression (21-40ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Intranuclear accumulation
      Accumulation nuclear subregion
    Apical localization
     Apical enrichment
      Diffuse apical localization
      Apical clusters
   Posterior localization
   Pole cell localization
    Pole cell enrichment
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Germ cell nuclei
    All pole cell nuclei
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Segmented pattern
     Expression in ectoderm
  Medium expression (21-40ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
    Other subcellular pattern
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Intranuclear accumulation
     Accumulation nuclear subregion
    Cell junction associated
    Apical localization
     Apical enrichment
   Germ cell localization
    Germ cell enrichment
   Embryonic localization patterns
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Tracheal system
    Tracheal lumen
   Segmented pattern
   Salivary glands
    Midgut subset
    Polarized Ectoderm
   Dorsal vessel
    Ventral nerve cord
     Polarized VNC
     Perinuclear VNC
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear polarized
     Perinuclear around midgut nuclei
     Perinuclear around ectoderm nuclei
     Perinuclear around CNS nuclei
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Nuclear in other cells
     Nuclear in ectoderm
     Accumulation nuclear subregion
     Accumulation entire nucleus


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues


Good probe. Very nice insitu patterns!
Data from RE10437 probe.
Intra-nuclear in balstoderm and yolk nuclei.
Intranuclear localization. Amnioserosa specific pattern. etc. Salivary glands and tracheal lumen, probably non-specific.

Probe RE17834 Links: Permalink

Genes: bs


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Yolk plasm localization
     Yolk plasm enrichment
    Exclusionary patterns
     Pole cell exclusion
     Basal exclusion
     Apical exclusion
   Embryonic localization patterns
  Degraded partially stage 5
  Degradation maternal transcripts
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
  Degraded partially stage 6
  Degradation maternal transcripts
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Zygotic starting stage 8
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Random blastoderm nuclei
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Tracheal system
    Tracheal pits
    Specific tracheal branches
    Polarized tracheal localization
   Salivary glands
    Visceral mesoderm
     Specific visceral mesoderm pattern
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Amnioserosa edges
   Subcellular localization patterns
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in tracheal cells
      Small Foci in other tissues


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Salivary glands, probably non-specific.
Good probe on gel (strong).