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Result Summary

Number of genes 67
Genes Akap200 (LP02734) Ance-5 Ast CG10249 CG10470 CG10882 CG1092 (RE36666) CG12393 CG1240 CG12896 CG14629 CG14886 CG15828 CG16876 (RE33721) CG3036 CG31626 CG33129 CG3534 CG3868 CG4164 CG5397 CG5682 CG5800 CG6049 CG6206 CG6403 CG6733 CG7101 CG7144 CG7692 CG7859 CG7860 CG8602 CG8665 CG8778 CG9007 (LD34994) CG9098 (LD41184) CG9119 CG9194 CG9338 Cg25C (GM04010) Cp1 (GH06439) Cyp9f3Psi (RE06354) ERp60 Fkbp13 (GM07659) Glt Hsc70-3 IP3K1 LanA Mef2 (SD04091) Mip Past1 Ppn Prx2540-2 Pxn (GH18946) Sap-r Top3beta VhaM9.7-2 br (LP12157) crq fbp (GH01546) in lin-28 mio mol (LD27791) scrib (LD43989) vkg