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Result Summary

Number of genes 104
Genes AP-2 Ance ApepP Ast Bj1 CG10522 CG10830 CG11066 CG12104 CG12239 CG1240 CG12708 CG14322 CG14521 CG14886 CG14948 CG14989 CG16876 (RE33721) CG1688 CG17286 CG1732 CG17724 (LD47433) CG17952 CG30116 (GH04922) CG3036 CG31235 CG31619 (GH19218) CG32354 CG3875 CG42611 (mgl) CG4738 CG5402 CG5822 CG6014 (GH11973) CG6218 CG6980 CG8486 (LD05120) CG8780 CG9186 (LP01162) CR32646 (RE25290) CR32730 CaMKII Cam (LD02334) Cbp53E Cnx99A (GH08684) Cp1 (GH06439) CycB3 Df31 Dref Ets65A (GH07491) Fas1 Fas2 Gs2 His2Av His3.3A HmgD Hsp23 Hsp27 (LP10040) Hsp83 Mcr Mct1 Mip Nrt (LD22004) Oli Picot Prosap (GH06265) SerT Tom Top2 Tsp42Ee UTPase Ubi-p63E Wnt4 bnb br (LP12157) c(3)G (GM04379) dpa dpn ewg gammaTub37C grh hb hdc hoe1 jbug (GH03118) kn lbm mira mnd nrv2 nub pav pdm2 (RE49429) polo pros (HL08040) ran (GM14354) repo sca sd tap trn tup wor wrapper