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Result Summary

Number of genes 64
Genes ?Tub84B Act87E (RE14441) Adh (GH01616) Ance CG10096 (GH01346) CG10247 (Cyp6a21) CG10621 CG1091 CG1092 (RE36666) CG11178 CG13318 CG15094 CG15743 CG1600 CG17324 CG30394 (RE05944) CG31363 (LD21358) CG31751 CG33129 CG3534 CG3875 CG4500 CG4778 CG4908 CG5171 CG5362 CG6218 CG7406 CG7458 CG7658 CG7675 CG8602 CG8710 (GM04053) CG9009 CR45807 Cyp9f3Psi (RE06354) ERR EcR (LD26915) Ef1alpha48D (LP10071) HLHm5 Hr78 ImpL1 Nrt (LD22004) Parp (RE04933) Rad21 Rh50 Ser Spn3 Tom Tsp74F Ubi-p63E Ugt36Bc br (LP12157) dro5 gt mthl14 pgant8 scrib (LD43989) sog svp (GH08189) tor usp wds wupA