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Result Summary

Number of genes 88
Genes AP-1gamma AP-2 Acp36DE (GH11288) Baldspot (GH11554) CG10176 CG10592 CG10621 CG10936 (RE29777) CG10992 CG11153 CG1273 CG17163 CG17290 CG1837 CG18616 CG2964 CG30116 (GH04922) CG30293 CG31146 (Nlg1) CG31160 CG31523 CG31764 (RE18101) CG32081 (AT21186) CG33130 (AT18914) CG3975 (GH08865) CG40198 CG4272 (GH09817) CG4679 CG5335 (GM04669) CG5508 CG5873 CG6014 (GH11973) CG6551 (fu) CG6634 CG6650 CG6986 CG7470 CG7859 CG8003 CG8004 CG8568 CG8740 CG8965 CG9192 CG9449 CR31969 (GH11322) CR33938 (pncr002:3R) CR33945 CR33987 CR42839 CR43459 CR44097 CR44690 CR44898 CR46037 CR46179 CR46268 Cyp6a18 E78 EcR (RE16656) Eip75B (GM04985) GlcAT-P (LD23788) Hnf4 Lcp65Ag3 Mekk1 Orc5 Reg-2 (AT28783) Sdc (LD08230) Sox21b ab ade5 betaCop bs c(3)G (GM04379) cpsf dpp dsd (LD38671) grim marge otp par-6 pgant3 ppl rt sda (AT30002) tinc yellow-h zormin