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Result Summary

Number of genes 52
Genes Act87E (RE14441) Akap200 (LD42903) Baldspot (GH11554) CG12164 CG12880 CG14639 CG15743 CG18088 CG2767 CG2930 CG30015 (GH22734) CG31363 (LD21358) CG31523 CG32029 (RE57183) CG32626 (GH10492) CG32645 CG32796 (SD07678) CG42611 (mgl) CG5177 CG5656 CG6014 (GH11973) CG6234 CG6330 CG7997 CG8003 CG8740 CG9098 (LD41184) CG9628 CG9747 Cp1 (GH06439) Dl Dp1 (LD21677) Gbeta76C Gp150 HLHm5 ImpL1 LanA Nep2 Osi17 S2P Tom a beat-IIa dyl ect fwd gt kst nop5 sas scrib (LD43989) wupA