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Result Summary

Number of genes 90
Genes Act87E (RE12057) Act87E (RE14441) CG10096 (GH01346) CG10211 CG12177 CG1240 CG1273 CG13318 CG13506 (RE21686) CG13826 CG13912 CG14869 CG15814 CG17124 CG17324 CG18616 CG30015 (GH22734) CG30116 (AT26369) CG30116 (GH04922) CG3104 CG31140 CG31146 (Nlg1) CG32210 CG3295 CG3523 CG3534 CG3760 CG3960 (GH23906) CG42611 (mgl) CG5335 (GM04669) CG5362 CG5762 CG6014 (GH11973) CG7069 CG7282 CG7859 CG8003 CG8104 CG8134 CG8149 CG8486 (LD05120) CG8557 CG8710 (GM04053) CG9009 CG9098 (LD41184) CG9305 CG9528 CR43463 Caps (GH07283) Cnx99A (GH08684) Dscam (SD09407) ERR EcR (LD26915) Eip75B (GM04985) GluRIID HmgZ Hr78 Hsp60 Klp3A LanB2 Mcr Mdr65 Mlc2 Nep2 NetA Paip2 Pif1A (GH12504) Rad21 RpL3 RpS16 Tdc1 (CG30445) Thd1 (LP11673) Ugt36Bc Wnt4 argos cos kst l(2)44DEa (LP07340) ncd pain pgant3 sda (AT30002) sda (GH07466) sdk (LD22322) sog sug svp (GH08189) usp vib zormin