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Result Summary

Number of genes 146
Genes ?Tub84B AP-1gamma AP-1sigma ASPP Aats-arg Aats-asn Acp36DE (GH11288) CG10062 CG10112 CG10194 CG10249 CG10670 (GM10765) CG10830 CG11015 CG11066 CG11555 CG12314 CG12643 CG1265 CG1273 CG12734 CG13631 CG13826 CG14222 CG14408 (GH19670) CG14516 CG14639 CG14960 CG15005 CG15239 CG15261 CG15382 CG15743 CG17145 CG2767 CG3104 CG31121 (RE11181) CG31523 CG31751 CG31871 CG32029 (RE57183) CG32159 CG32548 CG32645 CG32796 (SD07678) CG3295 CG33128 CG33129 CG33456 CG3719 CG3799 CG3964 (AT22192) CG42611 (mgl) CG42679 (Lmpt) CG4440 CG4511 (GM03430) CG4576 CG5362 CG5756 CG5822 CG5867 (GH05536) CG6022 CG6126 CG6153 CG6634 CG6673 CG6972 CG7049 CG7337 (LD47622) CG7675 CG8032 CG8083 CG8160 CG8443 (LD19312) CG8461 CG8478 CG8583 CG9122 CG9184 CG9386 CG9578 CG9628 CG9699 (LD19219) CR32730 CR45713 Cad96Ca Cat Chc Coprox Dp1 (LD21383) Dp1 (LD21677) E(var)3-9 ERR Gapdh1 (LD24323) Glu-RIIA HM_CR43261 Hsp60 ImpL1 LanB2 Mekk1 Nep2 Nlp Nos Osi17 Ppa (CG9952) Pros35 Rab7 RacGAP84C Scs-fp (GH13919) Sdc (LD08230) Sema-1b Su(var)2-HP2 Tom Tps1 (GH08860) Traf1 Traf3 Trap95 Tsp74F TwdlY Wnt4 a asp bib cad dpa dpp eEF5 ect ferrochelatase fkh ft fws kst nahoda (RE44714) nesprin odd ref(2)P (RE24064) rhea sano (RE56731) scrib (LD43989) sds22 (GH07711) slp1 smt3 tws unc-13 (LD28927) wal (GH09945)