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Result Summary

Number of genes 77
Genes AP-1gamma Aats-phe Arc70 (LD14353) Axs Bsg25A CG10096 (GH01346) CG10228 CG10722 CG10802 CG10903 CG10987 CG11149 CG11652 CG12038 CG12042 CG13318 CG13645 CG1387 CG14322 CG1544 CG15786 CG1688 CG17207 CG17249 CG2006 CG2233 (GH04674) CG30467 CG31187 CG31731 (LD33192) CG32181 CG32392 (GH13213) CG3799 CG3837 CG4306 CG4576 CG5629 (GH03502) CG6259 CG6356 CG6495 (GH10711) CG6709 CG7016 CG7888 CG8062 CG8942 CG9240 CG9286 CG9929 CR46268 CalpB Cyp6a18 Eip75B (GM04985) Hr96 KP78b Kr-h2 Lcp65Ag2 Lsd-1 Med6 Nos Obp56d Pp1alpha-96A Rh50 RpS27 Sap-r Tk alien (LD10463) aret (LD29068) cactin caup drpr gammaTub37C mRpS10 phr rols scrt trio (SD08659) trn vib