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Result Summary

Number of genes 51
Genes None CG10092 CG10555 CG12020 CG13384 CG1674 CG16863 CG16896 CG30463 (RE10344) CG31002 CG31121 (RE11181) CG33129 CG3408 CG4511 (GM03430) CG8665 CG9641 CG9921 CR30055 CR32385 CR33941 CR42646 CR43836 CR44097 CR44945 CR45923 DHR4 DHR51 DHR83 Dissatisfaction E78 ERp60 Hexo1 (RE27784) Hnf4 Hr39 Hr46 (GH09429) Hr78 Hr96 Mct1 Nhe2 Nos Rab35 (LD28840) Tailless cenB1A (GM06875) didum feo (GM03548) ftz-f1 (LD11885) peb rap sca tna (HL07357) usp