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Result Summary

Number of genes 77
Genes CR31386 CR31400 CR32111 CR32218 CR32773 CR32868 CR40820 CR41533 CR42406 CR42407 CR42408 CR42409 CR42412 CR42415 CR42418 CR42420 CR42425 CR42430 CR42452 CR42657 CR42862 CR43148 CR43193 CR43238 CR43278 CR43431 CR43474 CR43491 CR43622 CR43635 CR43650 CR43801 CR43835 CR43842 CR43848 CR43862 CR43898 CR43950 CR43958 CR43961 CR44017 CR44071 CR44114 CR44131 CR44175 CR44291 CR44344 CR44370 CR44412 CR44553 CR44566 CR44606 CR44619 CR44792 CR44858 CR44889 CR45054 CR45174 CR45484 CR45531 CR45556 CR45723 CR45796 CR45805 CR45918 CR45956 CR45963 CR45965 CR46037 CR46278 CR46324 Doc{}331 Doc{}331 F-element{}1209 roX1 roX2 rox2