For a full list of searchable terms, please see the term page.

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Result Summary

Number of genes 10

Probe GH02584 Links: Permalink

Genes: CG18166 CR18166


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
   Embryonic localization patterns
    Exclusionary patterns
     Yolk cortex exclusion
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Yolk plasm localization
     Yolk plasm enrichment
    Exclusionary patterns
     Pole cell exclusion
     Apical exclusion
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in mesoderm
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Blastoderm nuclei
    Subset blastoderm nuclei
     Expression in mesoderm
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
  Degraded partially stage 8
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Tracheal system
    Tracheal 'podia'
   Subcellular localization patterns
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in tracheal cells
      Small Foci in midgut
      Small Foci in ectoderm
      Small Foci in Brain
    Cell extensions or 'podia'


Area Images Terms
intestine 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
  Not expressed in the intestine
imaginal discs 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Imaginal discs
  Expressed in leg discs
   Leg discs few cells - dots
  Borderline between 'not expressed' and 'low expression'
nervous system 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Nervous system
  Expressed in brain lobes
   Brain lobes - Significant area
   Brain lobes - Foci or dots
salivary gland 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Salivary gland
  Not expressed in salivary glands
ovary and testis Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Larval Ovary and Testis-Larva
  Testis allover - Larva


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
      Cytoplasmic puncta in spermatocyte-TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Low - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Lower expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Subcellularly localized - SV
    Scattered Foci - SV
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Outer lumen - ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Low - ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
    Diffuse foci-AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed Low - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
      Cytoplasmic foci-SC
    Main cells -AG
      Cytoplasmic Foci - AG


Probe GH15189 Links: Permalink

Genes: CG31032 CR31032


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17


Area Images Terms
fat body 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Fat body
  Subcellular Localization - Fat body
   Fat body - Nuclear localization
    Fat body - Subnuclear localization
  Nascent transcript in fat body
  Expressed in fat body
intestine 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
  Expressed in midgut
   Subcellular localization in midgut
    Midgut - Perinuclear
    Midgut - Nuclear
  Expressed in malpighian tubules
nervous system 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Nervous system
  Expressed in ventral nerve cord
   Localized to axons
  Expressed in brain lobes
   Brain lobes - Significant area
salivary gland 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Salivary gland
  Subcellular localization in salivary gland
   Salivary gland - subnuclear
   Salivary gland - Perinuclear
   Salivary gland - nuclear dots
   Salivary gland - Cytoplasmic foci
ovary and testis Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Larval Ovary and Testis-Larva
  Testis allover - Larva
muscles 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Larval Muscles - larva
  Expressed in larval muscles-Larva
   Sub-cellular localization in muscles-Larva
    Localized to larval muscle band
    Larval Muscles - Perinuclear localization
     Perinuclear localization in particular nuclei
lymph glands and ring glands 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Lymph Glands and Ring Glands
  Ring gland
   Expressed in ring gland
    Ring gland allover


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
     Cytoplasmic in spermatogonium-TE
      Cytoplasmic foci in spermatogonium - TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Late Spermatocytes- TE
      Cytoplasmic in late spermatocytes - TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Round spermatids-TE
      Cytoplasmic in round spermatids-TE
       Cytoplasmic foci in round spermatids - TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Waste Bag - TE
      Cytoplasmic in individualizing spermatids - TE
      Cystic bulge - TE
      Comet Pattern - TE
    Cyst cells -TE
     Tail cyst cell - TE
      Individualizing Tail Cyst Cell - TE
       Individualizing Tail Cyst Cell Cytoplasm - TE
      Elongating Tail Cyst Cell - TE
       Elongating Tail Cyst Cell Cytoplasm - TE
      Cytoplasmic - Tail cyst cell
     Cytoplasmic - cyst cell
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Medium - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Specific tip region cells-TE
      Early cyst cell
       Cytoplasmic in early cyst cell
        Clusters in early cyst cell-TE
      Cyst stem cell
       Cytoplasmic in cyst stem cell
  Seminal Vesicle
   Subcellularly localized - SV
    Scattered Foci - SV
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Medium - SV
   Cell type - SV
    Sperm Tail Decor - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
    Basal Enrichment-SV
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Sleeve - ED
     Non-particulate - ED
    Outer lumen - ED
    Anterior ejaculatory duct papilla-ED
     Cytoplasmic in anterior ejaculatory papilla-ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Medium - ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
    Diffuse foci-AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed High - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
      Multivesicular bodies - SC
    Main cells -AG


It is hard to distinguish if the axons in the larval ventral nerve cord are 'axons' or 'tracheal extensions' - Larval
Commets in adult testes. This is a rare pattern.

Probe teCR3-A9-CR31526 Links: Permalink

Genes: CR31526


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Round spermatids-TE
      Cytoplasmic in round spermatids-TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in individualizing spermatids - TE
      Cystic bulge - TE
      Comet Pattern - TE
     Elongating Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in elongating spermatids-TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Low - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Lower expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Sleeve - ED
    Outer lumen - ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Low - ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed Low - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
    Main cells -AG
     Nuclear- MC
      Nuclear foci-mc
      Cytoplasmic Foci - AG


Probe GH27691 Links: Permalink

Genes: CG31781 CR31781


Area Images Terms
stage 1-3 Stage 1-3
   Zygotic starting stage 3
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Nuclei associated localization
     Intranuclear accumulation
      Accumulation nuclear subregion
    Cytoplasmic foci
   Embryonic localization patterns
    Exclusionary patterns
     Pole plasm excluded
stage 4-5 Stage 4-5
  Weak expression (>41ms exp)
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Yolk cortex localization
     Yolk cortex enrichment
    Exclusionary patterns
     Pole cell exclusion
     Apical exclusion
    Cytoplasmic foci
stage 6-7 Stage 6-7
   Zygotic starting stage 6
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
  Degraded partially stage 6
stage 8-9 Stage 8-9
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Cytoplasmic foci
stage 10-17 Stage 10-17
   Yolk nuclei
    Yolk nuclei 'foci'
   Tracheal system
    Muscles - subregion
    Muscles - 'podia'
   Subcellular localization patterns
    Nuclei-associated localization
     Nuclear in muscle cells nuclei
     Small Foci
      Small Foci in tracheal cells
      Small Foci in muscle cells
    Cell extensions or 'podia'


Area Images Terms
fat body 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Fat body
  Not expressed in fat body
intestine 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
  Expressed in proventriculus
   Subcellular localization in proventriculus
    Proventriculus foci
   Particular proventriculus area
nervous system 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Nervous system
  Expressed in brain lobes
   Brain lobes - Significant area
salivary gland 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Salivary gland
  Subcellular localization in salivary gland
   Salivary gland - nuclear dots
   Salivary gland - Cytoplasmic foci
  Nascent transcript in salivary gland
ovary and testis Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Larval Ovary and Testis-Larva
  Specific testis expression localization
   Larval spermatocytes
lymph glands and ring glands 3rd Instar Larval Tissues
 Lymph Glands and Ring Glands
  Ring gland
   Expressed in ring gland
    Ring gland allover
  Lymph Glands
   Expressed in lymph glands


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
     Cytoplasmic in spermatogonium-TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Late Spermatocytes- TE
      Cytoplasmic in late spermatocytes - TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Round spermatids-TE
      Cytoplasmic in round spermatids-TE
       Cytoplasmic foci in round spermatids - TE
    Cyst cells -TE
     Tail cyst cell - TE
      Individualizing Tail Cyst Cell - TE
       Individualizing Tail Cyst Cell Cytoplasm - TE
      Elongating Tail Cyst Cell - TE
       Elongating Tail Cyst Cell Cytoplasm - TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Medium - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Specific tip region cells-TE
      Early cyst cell
       Cytoplasmic in early cyst cell
        Cytoplasmic foci in early cyst cell - TE
     Lower expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Medium - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Membrane enriched - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
    Basal Enrichment-SV
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Sleeve - ED
     Non-particulate - ED
    Outer lumen - ED
    Anterior ejaculatory duct papilla-ED
     Cytoplasmic in anterior ejaculatory papilla-ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Medium - ED
   Cell type - ED
     Cytoplasmic Foci - ED
      Diffuse localization-ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
    Non-particulate - AG
    ECM like pattern-AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed Medium - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
      Multivesicular bodies - SC
    Main cells -AG


Probe exCR5-C10-CR42719 Links: Permalink

Genes: CR42719


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Terminal Epithelium - TE
     Cytoplasmic in terminal epithelium - TE
     Cytoplasmic in spermatogonium-TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
      Cytoplasmic puncta in spermatocyte-TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in individualizing spermatids - TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Medium - TE
  Seminal Vesicle
   Subcellularly localized - SV
    Scattered Foci - SV
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
    Sperm Tail Decor - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Outer lumen - ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Medium - ED
   Cell type - ED
     Cytoplasmic Foci - ED
      Diffuse localization-ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed High - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
      Multivesicular bodies - SC
    Main cells -AG
      Cytoplasmic Foci - AG


Probe teCR3-A10-CR43466 Links: Permalink

Genes: CR43466


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in individualizing spermatids - TE
       Cytoplasmic foci in individualizing spermatids - TE
      Cystic bulge - TE
     Elongating Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in elongating spermatids-TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Low - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Specific tip region cells-TE
      Early cyst cell
       Cytoplasmic in early cyst cell
     Lower expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
      Diffuse localization-SV
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Outer lumen - ED
    Anterior ejaculatory duct papilla-ED
     Cytoplasmic in anterior ejaculatory papilla-ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Low - ED
   Cell type - ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed Low - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Main cells -AG
      Cytoplasmic Foci - AG


Adult male gonad notes: interestingly this RNA localizas mainly to the lumen in: accessory glands, ejaculatory ducts and even testes. It seems to avoid the outside of the tissue.

Probe HM_CR43753_RA Links: Permalink

Genes: CR43753


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
  Phenotype - Testis
   Fertility phenotype - Testis
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Low - TE
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Waste Bag - TE
      Cytoplasmic in individualizing spermatids - TE
     Elongating Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in elongating spermatids-TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Not Expressed in distal tip region -TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Specific tip region cells-TE
      Germline stem cell
     Lower expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Subcellularly localized - SV
    Scattered Foci - SV
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
      Diffuse localization-SV
    Basal Enrichment-SV
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Outer lumen - ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Low - ED
   Cell type - ED
     Cytoplasmic Foci - ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
    Diffuse foci-AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed Medium - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
      Multivesicular bodies - SC
    Main cells -AG
      Cytoplasmic Foci - AG
   Basal Enrichment - MC


Intersting patterns in adult male gonads.
Probe specific for RA transcript.

Probe teCR3-C9-CR44059 Links: Permalink

Genes: CR44059


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Terminal Epithelium - TE
     Cytoplasmic in terminal epithelium - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Waste Bag - TE
      Cytoplasmic in individualizing spermatids - TE
     Elongating Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in elongating spermatids-TE
    Cyst cells -TE
     Tail cyst cell - TE
      Sperm Tail Decoration-TCC associated
       Retracting/Coiling sperm tail-TCC associated
      Individualizing Tail Cyst Cell - TE
       Individualizing Tail Cyst Cell Cytoplasm - TE
      Elongating Tail Cyst Cell - TE
       Elongating Tail Cyst Cell Cytoplasm - TE
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Low - TE
  Seminal Vesicle
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
      Diffuse localization-SV
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Sleeve - ED
     Non-particulate - ED
    Outer lumen - ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Low - ED
   Cell type - ED
     Cytoplasmic Foci - ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
    Diffuse foci-AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed Low - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Main cells -AG
      Cytoplasmic Foci - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
      Cytoplasmic foci-SC


Probe teFCS-E5-CR44511 Links: Permalink

Genes: CR44511


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Terminal Epithelium - TE
     Cytoplasmic in terminal epithelium - TE
     Cytoplasmic in spermatogonium-TE
      Cytoplasmic foci in spermatogonium - TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
      Cytoplasmic puncta in spermatocyte-TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Retracting/coiling spermatids - TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Cystic bulge - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Low - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Specific tip region cells-TE
      Early cyst cell
       Cytoplasmic in early cyst cell
        Diffuse in early cyst cell-TE
     Lower expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Subcellularly localized - SV
    Scattered Foci - SV
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed High-SV
   Cell type - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
      Diffuse localization-SV
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Sleeve - ED
     Foci - ED
      Scattered Foci - ED
    Outer lumen - ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed High - ED
   Cell type - ED
     Cytoplasmic Foci - ED
      Diffuse localization-ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
    Diffuse foci-AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed High - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
      Multivesicular bodies - SC
    Main cells -AG
      Cytoplasmic Foci - AG


Probe teYL-F2-CR45963 Links: Permalink

Genes: CR45963


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms


Area Images Terms
Male reproductive tissues Adult Tissues
 Male reproductive tissues
   Testis Cell type and stage - TE
    Testicular duct-TE
     Cytoplasmic in Testicular Duct - TE
    Terminal Epithelium - TE
     Cytoplasmic in terminal epithelium - TE
     Nuclear in spermatogonium-TE
     Cytoplasmic in spermatogonium-TE
      Cytoplasmic foci in spermatogonium - TE
    Spermatocytes -TE
     Nuclear in Spermatocytes - TE
     Late Spermatocytes- TE
      Cytoplasmic in late spermatocytes - TE
     Cytoplasmic in Spermatocytes - TE
    Spermatids -TE
     Round spermatids-TE
      Nuclear in round spermatids-TE
     Individualizing Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in individualizing spermatids - TE
     Elongating Spermatids - TE
      Cytoplasmic in elongating spermatids-TE
    Cyst cells -TE
     Tail cyst cell - TE
      Sperm Tail Decoration-TCC associated
       Retracting/Coiling sperm tail-TCC associated
   Subcellularly localized - TE
   Expression level-TE
    Expressed Medium - TE
   Distal tip region-TE
    Expressed in distal tip region - TE
     Specific tip region cells-TE
      Early cyst cell
       Cytoplasmic in early cyst cell
     Higher expression in tip region
  Seminal Vesicle
   Subcellularly localized - SV
    Scattered Foci - SV
   Expression level-SV
    Expressed Low - SV
   Cell type - SV
     Cytoplasmic Foci - SV
      ER or Golgi associated-SV
  Ejaculatory Duct
   Subcellularly localized - ED
    Outer lumen - ED
   Expression level-ED
    Expressed Low - ED
   Cell type - ED
     Cytoplasmic Foci - ED
      Diffuse localization-ED
  Accessory Gland
   Subcellularly localized - AG
   Lumenal - AG
    Diffuse foci-AG
   Expression level-AG
    Expressed Medium - AG
   Cell type - AG
    Secondary cells - AG
    Main cells -AG
      Cytoplasmic Foci - AG


Very interesting patterns: cytoplasmic in early cyst cells and spermatogonia, also shows nuclear gathering in spermatogonia as strong puncta. Mainly has nuclear or perinuclear patterns in spermatocytes; Nuclear(?) localization in early elongating spermatids.
Moving to elongating and individualizing spermatid bundles showing puncta patterns. Diffuse distribution in coiled sperms.
Foci in sperm tails in SV.