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Result Summary

Number of genes 93
Genes CG10747 CG10924 CG11811 (RE11961) CG15643 CG6885 CG8665 CG9117 CG9391 CG9503 CLIP-190 (GM09007) CR18217 CR30267 CR31144 CR31386 CR31451 CR31647 CR31953 CR32027 CR32172 CR32205 CR32265 CR40820 CR41571 CR42735 CR42738 CR42742 CR42744 CR43174 CR43242 CR43285 CR43299 CR43306 CR43314 CR43372 CR43414 CR43469 CR43622 CR43627 CR43632 CR43651 CR43661 CR43684 CR43705 CR43730 CR43787 CR43834 CR43836 CR43957 CR44024 CR44053 CR44095 CR44235 CR44382 CR44541 CR44776 CR44805 CR44811 CR44842 CR44852 CR44936 CR44949 CR45228 CR45231 CR45283 CR45329 CR45350 CR45376 CR45401 CR45422 CR45618 CR45706 CR45965 CR45968 CR45982 CR46216 CR46246 CR46253 CR46278 CR9284 Cyp9b1 Cyp9f3Psi (RE06354) Flam Imp (GM09708) eIF4G2 fw hyd l(3)73Ah mRpS6 msl-1 msl-3 or slp2 tara