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Result Summary

Number of genes 56
Genes CG10710 CG1738 CG18493 CG31121 (RE11181) CG32066 CG32176 CG32982 (RE11317) CG33145 CG5571 CG6701 CG9518 CR31273 CR32172 CR32553 CR40629 CR41443 CR42407 CR42408 CR42409 CR42412 CR42425 CR42428 CR42430 CR42696 CR43285 CR43491 CR43621 CR43627 CR43635 CR43636 CR43695 CR43771 CR43794 CR43834 CR43842 CR43846 CR43961 CR44175 CR44179 CR44456 CR44909 CR45371 CR45400 CR45535 CR45706 CR45918 CR45999 CR46258 Cyp49a1 (RE11411) Doc{}331 Doc{}331 Flam Trap95 f-cup l(3)73Ah msl-2