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Result Summary

Number of genes 84
Genes CG12870 CG13606 CG3252 CG33129 CG44244 CLIP-190 (GM09007) CR14033 CR14310 CR17025 CR30267 CR31032 CR31044 CR32111 CR32265 CR32553 CR32773 CR32868 CR33941 CR34006 CR40172 CR40629 CR40820 CR42418 CR42742 CR42756 CR42839 CR42862 CR43252 CR43278 CR43430 CR43465 CR43468 CR43474 CR43609 CR43695 CR43801 CR43824 CR43842 CR43903 CR43911 CR43964 CR43995 CR44155 CR44175 CR44190 CR44235 CR44518 CR44585 CR44608 CR44690 CR44766 CR44833 CR44909 CR45126 CR45141 CR45184 CR45214 CR45350 CR45371 CR45409 CR45418 CR45479 CR45481 CR45485 CR45531 CR45557 CR45567 CR45751 CR45796 CR45918 CR46148 CR46253 CR9337 Cbp20 DIP1 E(var)3-9 RhoGAPp190 (RE10888) SerT eas msl-2 msl-3 roX1 roX2 yps (GH18372)