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Result Summary

Number of genes 71
Genes CG13822 CG14781 CG17397 CG31495 CG32176 CG3252 CG32982 (RE11317) CG5491 CG5571 CG6885 CG7459 CG8852 CG9215 CR18854 (RE59362) CR31144 CR31400 CR31514 CR40172 CR41533 CR42407 CR42412 CR42418 CR42425 CR42744 CR43416 CR43417 CR43424 CR43456 CR43474 CR43622 CR43786 CR43846 CR43883 CR43898 CR44034 CR44114 CR44134 CR44292 CR44299 CR44412 CR44485 CR44710 CR44810 CR44997 CR45043 CR45127 CR45164 CR45174 CR45259 CR45383 CR45473 CR45475 CR45481 CR45796 CR45981 CR46003 CR46111 CR46215 Cyp49a1 (RE11411) Dys (RE11449) E(var)3-9 HP1D3csd Lip4 ckd fs(1)N msl-1 msl-3 oc roX1 roX2 rox2